
Brand: CASIO
Model: fx-82EX CLASSWIZ
Type: Scientific calculator
Picture: CASIO fx-82EX
Batteries: AAA x 1
Lifetime: Introduced: 2015
Terminated: unknown
Notes: The CASIO fx-82 series started with the CASIO fx-82, an ordinary scientific calculator. But CASIO kept extending this line, turning it not into just a model number but a whole calculator series. Trying to make it the non-programmable scientific calculator for school use.

So far I’ve found mention of the following types:

Very powerful sleek-looking school calculator. It has a dot-matrix display capable of showing up to six lines. Very handy for reading tables or statistical results. It has a 15-digit precision. I personally quite like this calculator. It is good looking, capable, fast and easy to use.

Most of the calculator’s operations are directly available on the keyboard, some however are hidden under the "OPTN"-key. Here hyperbolic functions are available, as well as "Angle Unit" symbols. The latter can be used to specify the angle unit if different from the currently chosen one. So, for instance when the calculator is set to DEGREES, calculating "SIN(πr" will correctly display zero.

It uses a similar algebraic method as earlier modern fx-82 models, although this is no longer indicated my means of "S-V.P.A.M." or a variant thereof. It has a new indication: CLASSWIZ. The algebraic method tries to produce exact answers when possible, for instance the answer to "√▖", "3" will be √3". To see it as a decimal result one can press "SHIFT" "=", indicated on the keypad by the "≈"‑symbol. The same is true for fractions, when dividing 1 by three the answer displayed is "1/3". Next to the "=", the "S⇔D"-key can also be used to switch between scientific and decimal results.

The "MODE"-key can be used to specify this behaviour. It can be used to switch between normal mode, statistics, and table calculations. To do more settings one has to press "SHIFT" "MODE". There it is possible to switch between "MthIO" (mathematical results) and "LineIO" (decimal results). It can also be used to set the contrast of the display and even the font size used for multi-line results!

The algebraic method is actually quite good. For instance, when the calculator is set to RADians, calculating "SIN(π/4" will produce the answer "√2/2".

It can also be used to convert decimals into fractions. For instance, typing "1.234" and then the "="-key will display "617/500".

A very powerful function is "FACT", not to me mixed up with "x!". It will factorize the number currently displayed into primes.

The way this calculator works is very natural. For instance, when entering a number, and the pressing "SIN" will show "SIN(". When pressing the "="-key this is automatically interpreted as "SIN(ANS)". "ANS", the previous result, is automatically entered when ever that is logical. It even has UNDO, press the "ALPHA"-key followed by the "DEL"-key to undo having pressed "AC".

It has a REPLAY function to edit previously entered calculations.

For a scientific calculator it has quite a lot of functions. Many statistical functions, a special mode to calculate tables of a formula with a specified step size.

It can also be used to play dice, "RanInt# (1,6" will randomly display a number within that range. Press the "="-key to throw again!

This calculator runs, despite its thinness, on a single AAA battery. The battery is actually used, the top part of the backside has an AAA battery shaped part that is used to slightly tilt up the calculator. Its battery life must have been phenomenal. A screwdriver is required when replacing the battery.