Texas Instruments TI-30 GALAXY


Brand: Texas Instruments
Model: TI-30 GALAXY
Type: Scientific calculator
Picture: TI-30 GALAXY TI-30 GALAXY
Batteries: A76 x 2
Lifetime: Introduced: 1984
Terminated: unknown
Notes: The TI-30 series started with the TI-30, an ordinary scientific LED calculator. But Texas Instruments kept extending this line, turning it not into just a model number but a whole calculator series. Trying to make it the non-programmable scientific calculator for school use.

So far I’ve found mention of the following types (probably incomplete):

Functionally quite close to the original TI-30 but for the addition of statistical functions. The layout of this calculator is quite distinct, and the keys are conveniently large. It comes in two colours, dark and light. The display of my light version didn’t scan quite as well as I hoped it would. In real life it looks pristine, some shadow play makes it look bad.

Personally I really like its technical sci-fi like look.