
Brand: SHARP
Model: PC-1211
Type: BASIC-programmable Pocket Computer
Picture: SHARP PC-1212
Batteries: MR44 (1.35V) x 4
Lifetime: Introduced: 1983
Terminated: unknown
Notes: This is one of the early BASIC-programmable calculators, preceded by the SHARP PC-1210 and the SHARP PC-1211.

This calculator is functionally the same as the SHARP PC-1211 but has a better LCD that is not prone to leakage and has a long file. For a description please see my page on the SHARP PC-1211.

This calculator is the predecessor of the wonderful SHARP PC-1500 (also available as the Radio Shack TRS-80 PC-2, although slightly different).


As far as I know there’s only a printer/cassette interface for this calculator (I own one) although my knowledge on this calculator is limited.