CASIO fx-92 Collège B


Brand: CASIO
Model: fx-92 Collège B
Type: Scientific calculator
Picture: CASIO fx-92 Collège B
Batteries: LR 44 x 1
Lifetime: Introduced: unknown
Terminated: unknown
Notes: A series of scientific calculators for the French and Belgium markets, mainly, as far as I can determine, meant for the French speaking scholars. The fx-92B variants seem to be targeted towards the Belgium market. There is quite a series there is a collection of calculator. The later models (I tried to order the list chronologically, please correct me if I'm wrong) are often of a particular green colour.

So far I’ve found mention of the following types:
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège II
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège III
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège New
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège New +
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège New + (new version)
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège New + B
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège (new version)
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège B (this one)
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège 2D
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège 2D+
  • CASIO fx-92 Collège 2D+ (new version)
  • CASIO fx-92B Collège 2D+
  • CASIO fx-92 Spéciale Collège
  • CASIO fx-92B Spéciale Collège
  • CASIO fx-92+ Spéciale Collège
  • CASIO fx-92B+ Spéciale Collège
  • CASIO fx-92B Secondaire

This version is a very usable en well thought out calculator, quite similar in its workings to the CASIO fx-82TL and its follow-ups. Please take a look at the CASIO fx-82TL’s page for a description.

There are some enhancements and differences however. I’ll enlighten a few of them.

  • The "÷R"-key does integer divisions and shows the reminder as well as the result of the division.
  • The often-used variables "X" and "Y" have moved to separate keys for easy access.

  • The exponent-key is usually called "EXE" on CASIO calculators. On this one however it is called "x10x". This is shown on the display as well.

  • The "CALC"-key makes this calculator semi-programmable. It works as follows. Enter one or more of calculations using variables separated by colons. When the "CALC"-key is pressed the calculator will query for the values of the variables and after pressing "EXE" will show the results of the entered calculations. Press the "EXE-key again to change the values of the variables.

  • Variables can be set in two ways, give A the value 42 by either typing "42 → A" or by typing "A = 42".

  • The colour... Well judge for yourself.