Texas Instruments TI-74S


Brand: Texas Instruments
Model: TI-74S
Type: BASIC-programmable Pocket Computer
Picture: TI-74S
Batteries: AAA x 4
Lifetime: Introduced: 1986
Terminated: unknown
Notes: This is a special (hence, I guess, the S) of the TI-74 BASICALC. For a description of its workings, see that page.

The difference between this TI-74S and the TI-74 BASICALC is that the keyboard of this calculator is missing all the markings.

According to this Datamath page (link validated 2025-01-20) the TI-74S is a special OEM version of the normal TI-74 BASICALC to allow for customization, hence the omission of all the keys’ secondary functions, allowing the use of special keyboard overlays. Without all the extra keyboard markings however, this Pocket Computer is difficult to use. I’m guessing (but I can’t find any confirmation on that) that it originally came with a handy keyboard overlay. The secondary functions of all keys can be seen on my page on the TI-74 BASICALC. They are accessible by using the FN key.

Extra information about this Pocket Computer can be found on this Thimet page (link validated 2024-01-13).


There is at least a printer available for this calculator. Plus of course a collection of RAM and ROM Cartridges.