Texas Instruments TI 57


Brand: Texas Instruments
Model: TI Porgammable 57
Type: Programmable scientific calculator
Picture: TI 57
Batteries: Battery pack
Lifetime: Introduced: 1977
Terminated: unknown
Notes: The TI 57 is the lesser model in the TI series of programmable calculators (SR-52, SR-56, TI 57, TI 58, TI 58 C, TI 59).

It doesn’t have the Solid State Software option. This calculator does have all the more advanced programming steps, like DSZ, comparisons, labels, and flags. In contrary to the other calculator in this series, the TI 57 can not be connected to the PC-100 printer.

Also present are some statistical functions.

Its (programming) memory is volatile.


A power adapter.