
Brand: SHARP
Model: EL-6200
Type: Organiser
Picture: SHARP EL-6200
Batteries: AAA x 4
Lifetime: Introduced: late 1970’s
Terminated: unknown
Notes: Actually I should fetch my wife to write the text on this one, she bought this when she was a kid. Her family was sent to the Middle East, to the United Arab Emirates. When she lived there, she and her brother both got an EL-6200. They actually used them quite intensively. It can be used for appointments, birthdays, schedules, and of course calculations. And it can be used as an alarm clock. It comes with a hard cover that has an opening over the display.

The EL-6200 doesn’t have a whole lot of memory despite its size (it’s big and heavy with 4 AA batteries). About 100 telephone numbers with names can be stored.

There’s one problem with the EL-6200, a technical one. Somehow the displays used on them degrade over time. Dark green blurs appear and worsen until the display can’t be read anymore. I’ve seen multiple EL-6200’s and they all have it.

Also noteworthy: this device seems to be millennium-proof!