realtone Model-8414


Brand: realtone
Model: Model 8414
Type: Calculator
Picture: realtone Model 8414
Batteries: 1.5V (AA) x 4
Lifetime: Introduced: 1974
Terminated: unknown
Notes: This is one of the early additions to my museum. It was bought in the seventies by my father for the bargain price of $150. It’s a beauty, with a nixy tube for every digit and LED indicators for "overflow", "negative" and "battery-low". This calculator was a great help in my early school-days!

Old though it may be, this calculator has been used extensively. You can even see that on the picture of the calculator, there is quite a bit of wear near the on/off switch!

It’s really amazing when you realise that the HP 65 was introduced in the same year as this model (but, admittedly at a higher price).


A power adapter.