
Model: HP 41CX
Type: Programmable scientific calculator
Picture: HP 41CX
Batteries: Type N x 3
Lifetime: Introduced: 1983
Terminated: 1990
Notes: The HP 41 series must be the top-of-the-bill calculator design of all time. It’s the successor to the HP 67. Even today this calculator is still totally up-to-date and usable. It’s my all-time favourite of calculators. I even wanted to have "HP-41-CX" as my (Dutch) car registration number, but the problem was they don’t use the letter C. And even if they did, it would have to be a very old car :-)

The HP 41C (which was introduced in 1979) was probably the first alphanumeric handheld calculator ever. It was far before dot-matrix LCD’s existed, and it uses a clever display using 14 segments.

The HP 41CX has a built-in clock module which was optional for other HP 41 types. It has constant memory and has four extension possibilities. The case is wonderful and, well, only HP could build them like this.

Programming this calculator is more difficult than necessary however (at least compared to more modern programmable calculators, but at the time the programming of the HP 41 was a huge step forward). It’s therefore not my favourite of programmable calculators (that still is the CASIO FX-602P if you want to know).

The HP 41 series calculators have had a very long lifetime. The range of peripherals is also amazing.

There’s some information on the HP 41CX on HP’s official website (link valid 2024-01-13).

For more information on this beauty please refer to the better sources, like The Museum of HP Calculators (link valid 2024-01-13).


There many peripherals available for this calculator.

The 41CX has four easily accessible extension slots which can be used for ROM modules, a HP-IL connection, card reader, printer, even an HP 67 compatible card reader which translates HP 67 programs to HP 41 programs on the fly.

The only peripherals I own myself are the HP 82143A Peripheral Printer and the 82104A Card Reader.